Friday, April 29, 2016

Stepping into Spring


 Spring has always been a time of new beginnings and growth for me. I never really got the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing. January is mid-winter. I'm still hibernating and putting things to rest then. Not exactly the best time for starting anew, at least not for me.

But, Spring ... ahhh! New sprouts peeking up from the slowly warming earth. Fresh green buds popping out and adding color to the previously barren trees. All that energy that has been building up for months is suddenly released as the world comes to life again. Now, this is a great time for a fresh start!

This past winter has been a little harsh for me. I suffered a few losses that left my heart sore. Moving out of the darkness and into the light has been more difficult than usual, but I need to do it. The time has come to heal and move forward.


Still, breaking those sedentary habits can be tough. It has taken a little more convincing than usual to get out of the house and into the garden this year. My start has been slow and jerky, but now that I'm going again it feels great! Sometimes, it's just a matter of taking that first step, even if the path is a bit obscured.


Given my renewed level of activity and the desperate need to shake off the winter blues, I decided this would be a good time to return my attention to my fitness goals. A few years ago, I began a determined effort to live healthier and improve my overall fitness. Part of that goal involved losing weight, but mostly it was just about feeling better. I did remarkably well for awhile there. But then, somewhere in the recent months, I kind of dropped all that alongside the path. Time has come to pick it back up again. Healthy body promotes a healthy mind and vice versa, right?


So, I'm working hard and trying daily. After the initial effort to break out of my inertia, I'm finding the journey pleasant and enjoyable once more. Because, after all, even if life does get a bit messy and chaotic, there is still beauty to be found. You just have to look for it. So, I'm getting out there every single day and looking. I'm often surprised by what I find.

Already, I'm can feel the changes that come from just getting up and moving on a regular basis. I am stronger and I have tons of energy. I'd forgotten that healthy living actually feels good! I'm still a little slow getting going in the morning, but once I do I move through the day with vigor and anticipation now. So much better than just plodding along. 

So, yeah, I'm enjoying spring even more than usual this year. Like the plants and critters I share my world with, I'm growing stronger and feeling better. I'm finally starting to shake off the past winter's heartache and enjoying life again. And, when you come right down to it, isn't that the whole point of being here?

I truly hope your spring is as full of growth,  opportunity and sunshiny goodness as mine is promising to be. Remember, life is there, just waiting for you to "spring" back into it. So, go on. Take that first step. Or, better yet, just close your eyes and jump. You won't regret it. 

I do so love this time of year!

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